Dealer Information

A Guide for Motorcycle Dealers


Literally hundreds of bikes are being seized by the police from motorcycle dealers who are totally unaware that they have been conned.

Make sure it’s not you!

What is the extent of the problem?

Criminal gangs obtain a clean ID or non-stolen frame or chassis and log book and then build a complete bike around it using parts taken from a stolen machine. They then simply use this ‘new’ bike as a part exchange against a genuine new bike. They get away with it because dealers often simply match a chassis to a log book and registration to verify the bikes status and of course these things are, or appear to be, genuine.

The log books and frames are often sourced by totally legal means.

Many of these bikes have serious faults because the gangs which put them together don’t care if they’re safe - just that they look good. The outcome of course is a bike which the dealer believes is genuine and happily sells on to a customer without any idea that it could be potentially lethal.

This problem equates to roughly a million pounds dealers alone have given out in part exchange deals they will never back. Plus of course if they do sell a bike like this they run the risk of having to refund the original sale price regardless of how long ago the machine was sold.

Check List - What to look for:

Chassis Number

  • Does it match the log book?
  • Has the number been tampered with and does the font* look right?
    (*You can check against another like for like machine.)

Engine Number

  • Does it match the log book?
  • Has the number been tampered with and does the font* look right?
    (*You can check against another like for like machine.)

Log Book

  • Does it look genuine?

HPi Check

  • This will provides a comprehensive history of the motorbike
  • Has it been written-off
  • Plate changed
  • Outstanding finance

Datatag Check

  • If the motorcycle has been fitted with a Datatag system you can check who the registered owner is. >

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Examples of Engine ad VIN Numbers

ZX600 Genuine Engine Number
ZX600 - Genuine Engine Number

ZX600 False Engine Number
ZX600 - False Engine Number

Suzuki Genuine VIN Number
Suzuki - Genuine VIN Number

Suzuki False VIN Number
Suzuki - False VIN Number